Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Art is not a handicraft
 It's the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced||

-Leo Tolstoy

Known for its fine craftsmanship and rich culture, tradition, art, and craft skills Assam is definitely a shopaholic's paradise. The tradition of the place finds expression in the local arts and crafts. Assam is a confluence of a number of tribes and cultures and this is reflected in the traditional handicrafts of the place as well.

 Looking back in history we can tell that the artists and artisans of Assam were known far and wide, for their exquisite craftsmanship. Assam is a state in Northeast India mainly famous for its rich flora and fauna, beautiful scenic beauty, handicrafts, religious places, cuisines, dance forms, music, festivals and the list goes on and on.

In the beginning, Assam was mainly famous for it's two main crafts of cand and bamboo and silk products, but with time much more scintillating handicrafts form emerged such as metal crafts, jewelry, pottery, wood crafts etc. 

Let's take a small trip to the lane of Assam and find out some of the amazing craftsmanship. 

1. Handloom

Handloom of Assam is famous for its various types of silks that are produced here for ages. The most prominent and famous is Muga silk which is also called golden silk. It kind is only found in Assam and making it more exclusive and sought after. White Pat and warm Eri silks are two more kinds. The Muga silks are known for its glossy fine texture and durability whereas the White Pat silks are usually brilliant white or off-white color. The warm Eri silk is soft and warm and is specially used for shawls and quilts. The designs are of animals, human figures, creepers, flowers, birds, channels, cross borders and the galaxy.  Weavers produce beautiful designs on the borders of traditional garments such as the mekhela-chaddar and Riha and on the gamosa (towel).

Source: Wikipedia

2. Bamboo and Cane

This is the most famous and favorite art form practiced in Assam. It is practiced since ages and the products have been better and better with time. This art form has contributed a lot to the economy and lifestyle of the people of Assam. The fact is that the hilly areas have vast expanses of bamboo and cane. There are many items used is Assam household is made up of bamboo and cane. In fact, one can find houses also made of bamboo and cane. The main items are baskets, music instruments, and weaving accessories. Out of all these, the most famous is Jaapi the traditional headgear of Assam. It is used to protect against elements and in many ceremonies and house decoration also.

Source: Internet

3. Metalcrafts

Metalcraft is the second largest and oldest cottage industry of Assam. Famous in all over India bell metal utensils made from a mixture of brass and iron, can be found in almost every Assamese households. A formal Assamese dinner is served in Kahi(plates) and bati(bowl) and the food kept in the container made from these materials keep it fresh for a longer time. Hajo and Sarthebari villages are the most famous for metal works in Assam. 

Source: Internet

4. Mask Making

Assam has a rich tradition of the theatrical arts. The tradition of the temple dancers in Assam goes back to 9th century A.D. Bordhuvan village in the Nagaon district of Assam is the birthplace of the craft of mask making. Raw materials used for making is bamboo and cane, cloth, clay and rock color etc. Traditionally, there are two types of mask one is made up of bamboo and the other one is of paper. These masks are used for religious drama and dance.

Source: Internet

5. Pottery

Pottery work has been a part of human life since the beginning. The kumars and the Hiras are the two communities engaged in the pottery work of Assam. Their methods are different. Kumars use potters wheel to make the items whereas the Hiras do not use it. The more interesting fact is that only women are engaged in making the items whereas the men bring the raw materials and sell the final product. Incense holder, clay pots, and other fancy materials are the outcome of the products.

Source: Internet

6. Woodcraft

Assam is a state which excels in woodwork and carpentry. The woodwork is an ancient craft of Assam. The people of Assam can identify timber even in darkness and can produce serious items from it. Wood is used to make a wide range of products. A number of items of daily domestic use are carved out of wood. Items like doors, chairs, walking stick, palki or dolah, kharams, tables are used made out of wood. The modern-day craftsman carves one horn rhino as a souvenir to be sold.

Source: Internet

Apart from the following handicrafts, one can find some tribal jewelry, paintings and many more. Assam is a home to one horn rhino and can be found in this place. The state has religious places too to visit.

But one's visit is incomplete without collecting the handicrafts which are very prominent and famous of all. The pattern, design, process of creating a handicraft is different from other places. The people follow this artform as their traditions and create a new piece every time.

So, if you are planning to take a tour to Assam don't forget to collect these artforms for yourself but for your dear ones also so that they also get to know about them. 


  1. Replies
    1. Hi.. Welcome to shilpkar.. Thank You for your valuable comment.. keep following us for more updates..

  2. The handloom of Assam attracts me a lot ! Wish i could visit its beauty over and again !

    1. Hi.. Welcome to shilpkar.. Thank You for your valuable comment.. keep following us for more updates..

  3. Why you guys ain't active on wordpress ????

    1. Hi.. Welcome to shilpkar.. Thank You for your valuable comment.. keep following us for more updates.. Very soon we will be active on word press too..

  4. Replies
    1. Hi.. Welcome to shilpkar.. Thank You for your valuable comment.. keep following us for more updates..

  5. So boringggggggggg :/

    1. Hi.. Welcome to shilpkar.. Thank You for your valuable comment.. keep following us for more updates.. We will make sure not to disappoint you in our next blog..

  6. Bihu bihu bihu my land !

  7. Awaiting a long..post about capital state atleast !!!

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